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Limited Government

To truly serve the citizens effectively, a public servant must ensure that the government remains efficient and focused on its core responsibilities:

  • Public Safety
  • Public Works
  • Tax Collection and Budgeting
  • Communicating with Citizens
  • Water and Sewer
  • Transportation Improvements

Other areas, such as Libraries and Parks, should only be pursued when they benefit the overwhelming majority of citizens and ensure access for all. Any services beyond this scope should be provided by the private sector.

Many governments overextend their core functions, leading to inefficiencies, degraded services, and budget deficits. This often occurs because they stray from essential activities necessary for the general welfare. As my father would say, “keep the main thing the main thing.” Brentwood’s staff and leaders have excelled in maintaining essential services, ensuring a well-run city with low taxes and healthy reserves. We must preserve this understanding of limited government and avoid expanding into areas beyond our core functions, which can lead to deficits and a decline in basic services. Governments must excel in protecting citizens and maintaining essential services without catering to special interest groups at the expense of all citizens.

Vote Rhea Little – Experience. Integrity. Service.

The Committee to Elect Rhea Little
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